Romantic Stories – Positive Thoughts – Healing Vibes – Inspiration & Motivation – Kindness & Gratitude – Spirituality & Astrology – Colourful Fashion – Poetry & Thoughts About The Wonders Of Nature – Written By A Free Spirited Dreamer, Called Anna

Hello Dear Reader on the other side of the screen! I’m truly happy you’ve found my page in the colourful, wild garden of the internet! I hope you have a fabulous day and have many reasons to smile, but even if you don’t, please remember that the sun always shines at the end! After the darkness of the night there is always another sunrise waiting for you, another day, another chance to start again, to fight again, to believe again, to have faith in the future and in yourself again, to dream again, to keep going with a renewed mindset and clearer thoughts after a good night of sleep, rest, relaxation, dreaming and connecting with your soul essence and your precious intuition! Always, always keep going and never, ever, ever, ever give up!

Please dear beautiful, wonderful, magical warrior, please, please never, ever give up on yourself! Never stop fighting for you! Fighting for what’s honest, pure and true, what you believe in, what you set your mind and soul to achieve! Don’t ever give up on what you dream about! Don’t let your sparkling, starry eyes be closed and forced to be blind by liars, manipulators, jealous ones and closed minded non-believers! Please don’t ever let them strip you from being joyful, healthy, inspired and grateful! Don’t let anyone steal your universal magic, your wisdom, your clarity, your truth, your faith and confidence in yourself! You deserve the best, you sweet, strong, gorgeous soul! Never stop believing in YOU, yourself, your higher self and your soul! Always rember to be strong and to stay true and be kind to YOU!!

Being kind to and supporting yourself and your body involves lots of self love, self care, true self acceptance, healthy habits, sleep, rest and relaxation! Knowing what’s best for your mind and body and doing just exactly what works best for you, your health, well being and comfort, no matter what others say! They don’t even know you at all! You know yourself and your body the best, the most! You are the one living in your body! You feel yourself all the time, you feel your body, only you feel your pains, you know the most about your problems! You feel your body in your most vulnerable moments, you connect with yourself in the most intimate ways! Your connection with yourself and your body is sacred and it should never ever be otherwise! Your body belongs only, solely to YOU! It is the home of your soul in in this lifetime! It is a sacred temple and must be treated as such! Your thoughts and feelings are always valid, beautifully and often painfully true! So listen to yourself and your precious body, and do what is and what feels best for your beautiful, wonderful, sacred, divine self! Eat what you desire, move how you desire, think how you desire, live how you desire! It is your life! Your body! Your choice! Always!!! You have every right to live how it feels and works in the best way for you! We are here to feel healthy, good, comfortable, calm and relaxed! We deserve to live with feeling full of love, universal and sacred self love as well!
So do yourself a favour, actually do many, many favours and be your own best friend, treat yourself, respect yourself, listen to yourself and do it your way! Be you, do you and thrive in life for real!

You are a warrior my love and your body is your weapon! Actually only one of the many gifts you possess but the base, the starting point of a good life! I only recently started committing my time to self care practices and found out that they are really so important and they truly make such a difference! When you finally commit to take time for yourself, pamper, mother and nurture yourself, when you take time for relaxation, downtime activities, your hobbies, wellness rituals, when you truly take time for yourself, it changes everything! When you allow yourself to slow down and enjoy all these healthy things and stop suffocating yourself with tasks and feeling guilty for not being productive and doing something “important” all the time, you soon realize that those things are not even that “important” but even if they are, your body, your mindset and your health matters so much more and also you can better handle all tasks if you actually slow down and take time for your health and well being on a daily basis first! Slowing down changes your way of life, your mindset, your thoughts, your habits, your actions and by changing your present you are also changing/shaping the future an even better, cooler, more positive future for your amazing self! I wanted to write future self but the self is always the same yet you grow evolve and learn many lessons constantly so it will be the same you in the future as well yet an evolved, matured and grown version of yourself!

Yes you are this incredible, yes, so so so incredible, a divine, perfect being! You are, you will be and you’ve always been absolutely amazing! You went through so much already and made to the present moment, the here and now!!! I mean how awesome is that?? How awesome YOU are?? What a warrior, what a soul, what a heart!! Such strength and courage! I am so proud of you and so proud of myself as well actually, that after so many years of suffering and constant hardship I still manage to keep going! So yes, I am learning this currently to stop and smell the flowers or a face serum or a bubble bath or freshly washed clothes and bedsheets, whatever it takes to be present and relaxed indeed! I am learning to slow down and be present in the moment and heal my soul and body step by step day after day!

You must always keep your faith no matter how hard life gets and just let your fairytale unfold bit by bit, page after page let your special story unfold day after day! You gotta keep going no matter how hard the road gets and let true magic find you, when you expect it the least, but need it the most! Or when the timing is just right as they say! I knoe some days/periods are very hard and almost unmanageable and you often feel like giving up but please don’t! Because better times are just aeound the corner and for now try to find at least one tiny positive thing in a day that makes you smile and be grateful that you are alive and you experienced this! You are a warrior! You got this my love!

So it’s time to introduce myself to you as well, the young lady behind this site and these words you are reading now, I hope I was able to bright up your day already and you will always feel at home, understood, accepted and loved here on my website! Let’s start:)

My name is Anna. I’m a 26 years old lady, from Hungary.

“The magic is within you!”

I believe in happiness, kindness, positivity, creativity and being yourself! I believe that a pure soul is able to heal the pain of him/her/themselves and heal many others by his/her/their experiences, I believe in empathy, understanding, being compassionate and having good intentions towards everyone we meet. I believe in guiding others, using our own pain, suffering and lessons, to make their path easier!

I live by a positive mindset and I’m searching for joy in all the little everyday moments. I try to see the beauty/the good in everyone and everything, so I always find magic wherever I go! Art is also my kind of thing and I’m a real dreamer with my head in the clouds! But I also know the harsh reality really well… After many years of struggling, self doubt, fear and never ending pain by my chronic illnesses, I can truly tell life is not easy and will never be. But I’m not giving up!

My aim is to inspire people like you, through writing and photos on my instagram and here on my website as well! To make you believe in a better tomorrow, believe that you should never let your difficulities discourage you! I am here to inspire and motivate you to try to bring the best out of every single day of your life, to make you see how much beauty lies in nature, in landscapes, plants and animals. I want to motivate you to wake up to the truth of honesty, to be true to yourself because this is the most amazing thing, to realise the incredible amount of inner strength we all possess deep within, to be proud of yourself, to be confident in your capabilities and to create a life for yourself that makes you happy! I want to show you how fantastic is to dream big, to use your imagination, be passionate, have courage and dare to be different, dare to be unique! And mainly I want to encourage you to never give up and keep your faith in the difficult times as well!

Many people will try to bring you down but you shouldn’t let them steal your light, your hope and faith in yourself! They try to stop you by making you feel ashamed, small, little, unimportant and useless. By their mind games you become unable to see your value, your own awesomeness and strength!! They try to stop you from self love, discourage you, make you feel unworthy and worse than anyone else, meanwhile they go about their business and seemingly slay it and talk about how they are slaying it and you are stuck and afraid to even start because the fear they caused stops and blocks you! By the way their thing isn’t that huge and they are not slaying it as much as they show it, they only make it seem like that! Keep this in mind when someone makes you feel small and not enough. You are enough!!! Always! Just the way you are!

But I discovered that fear is what keeps us all back! Fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of falling, we fear the shame, the criticism, the riducule by others that want to bring us down because they are jealous of our love, light, joy and life energy! We fear the loss of our self worth and confidence by the offences of others but by all these thoughts, emotions, being in a fearful, anxious state constantly even if only at the back of our minds, we are already giving away our much needed confidence, strength and lose the precious trust and faith in ourselves! It’s the opinion, the words of others you fear… but don’t you fear losing your joy, dreams and your true self more? Why you give them the power to make you feel bad about your lovely, beautiful, awesome, amazing self? By fearing what will happen and what others will say we settle for negative energy instead of our positive, joyful, cheerful, inspired and inspiring one! This is a horrible trap! It’s time to rethink everything you ever thought about life and the world and act now! Change everything! The way you think, act, react, speak to yourself, treat yourself and how you allow others to treat you!

I am here to prove that we can turn the tables! Even if once you had been down and accepted maltreatment from others, settled for the guilt trap, you can end this, you MUST end this finally! Not tomorrow but here and now! So stop for a while, breathe and rethink everything and instead of the words of the world, learn to listen to your own inner voice, your intuition! And your voice is found in silence, peace, under years of layers of mindless/useless/soulless chatter! By removing, peeling down those layers, you awaken to the real you, awaken to your own power, truth and self worth! But also to love and forgiveness towards those that previously made you feel bad about yourself. You find you, you find peace, strength and it is a real gift and it is enough! We must awaken to our soul power and energy! We can make it and we should never be hard on ourselves! We don’t need to aim for something crazily huge, achieve more and more and more things to prove our worth! NO! Doing our own little part is more than enough! We were born worthy, we were born perfect in our own, unique, special way! We were born to shine, be loved, accepted, treasured, treated with respect at all times! We are beautiful, lovable, amazing, outstanding, heavenly, divine, magical just by being our true selves! So just be you, my dear lovely friends!

We are worthy! All of us! Each and every one of us! We are all human! We are together on this journey and noone is above or below the other! This is a lie! So always, always know that it’s worthy to believe in yourself and we all deserve tons of love, self love, self care and self protection and yes, yes, yes we are worth it! The good wins over the bad always! It’s time for us to shine our light! Love yourself, treat yourself well, worship yourself, protect yourself, treasure yourself! There is only one YOU on this planet and we need you so so much!

This is what life is all about! But life also involves many more things… lessons, experiences which can be both positive and negative but it’s always us who choose how to react to a certain event, or choose not react at all and even we choose how long we allow pain to affect us! It’s you, who is the director of your own life, the writer of your own story, the fulfiller of your purpose and destiny! The magic, the power, the strength, the love, the healing are all within YOU! You had it always and will have if forever! Never forget that! But also if all these seem too much to handle, remember that you are not alone and you can always find kind souls, kindred spirits who gladly help and guide you on your journey! Love is here to connect us at all times and love is eternal and ethereal without limits, judgements or conditions! Love is always accepting and supporting! Choose LOVE and choose YOU always!

So just do what you love, let your inner child play and feel good! Daydream and dream big, use your awesome imagination, use it for fun, use it for good and use it to make yourself happy! Relax, find inner peace, balance and harmony! Life is beautiful and can be beautifully simple once we get rid of our pain, sorrow and triggers! This calm state however can only be achieved through inner work. Important to note that I don’t advice this to everyone at any given time! It can only be done when you are ready, when the time is truly right or you have no other choice! So until then believe me and just know that you are amazing, beautiful, special and needed! Caring about yourself isn’t selfish, if you question it, have doubts if you deserve it or not, I do know and you also have to know, that you deserve tons more self love than you think you do! As you question it, it shows that you are not at all selfish and don’t have a single bad bone in your body! So Love Yourself Sweet Angel, cause I Love You already!:)

So by my writings and posts I would like to inspire you to keep on fighting and stand up for yourself when needed, but I still hope that most of the time you choose to be the one who is kind and caring, someone who is empathetic and compassionate! Kindness isn’t weakness, it’s the greatest strength one can possess and trust me, it is not easy to be kind, well not at all times, nor to stay calm though in the stormy moments of life. Even if it comes so naturally to you, not everyone is capable of unconditional love, empathy or compassion. So if you are, you must know you are a real treasure, a rare diamond in the world and thus so so needed! True kindness requires forgiveness, self control and good intentions at all times, and those things together are rare in human beings! So be proud of your sheer inner beauty because it is an amazing gift you behold my dear one!

You are a diamond and your light shines bright in the darkness! I use the word diamond, because to be able to be kind one has to be very, very strong too even if empaths and sensitive souls most of the time feel differently, they feel weak and vulnerable but to be vulnerable requires a huge amount of strength and courage and let’s be honest most people are afraif of being vulnerable more than anything it is the primal fight of flight method that comes up in them but someone that is able to rise above that state is truly otherwordly and very strong! Yes we are strong and incredible beings, so let’s shine bright like diamonds and light up the whole world! Yes, it’s time to share our light with the world! I’m sending love, health and blessings in your way dear fellow lightworker souls!



    I love all things colourful: fashion, makeup, home decor, music, singing, dancing, photography, nature, gardening. What makes me the happiest and is able to lift my mood anytime is seeing gorgeous flowers bloom in all colours of the rainbow! I love to write inspiring, uplifting captions and sometimes poetry too! I enjoy reading romantic novels as well. I spend a lot of time with studying astrology and discovering all types of spiritual topics. Reading about auras, working with crystals, aligning with the stars and the moon, finding a positive mindset, harmony and peace in the everyday life. These all help me in finding my true life purpose!

    I truly adore nature! Not only spending time by admiring it’s beauty, enjoying the sunsets, sunrises, watching how the seasons change, experiencing with all my senses the wonders of lands and seas. But I stand for protecting the enviroment as well! Being more sustainable and using less of nature’s resources is something we all need to learn about and practice in our daily life, to live more consciously and help our Earth thrive again!

    Apart from spending time between flowers, out on the countryside, visiting corn, sunflower or lavander fields and spending time out in my garden, I also love to… no, wait… I not only love but ADORE spending time with animals out in the wild, rabbits, birds, butterflies always come to me! And most importantly, the moments I treasure the most are those I spend with my dear angel, my beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog, my one and only Liza!โ™ก I love visiting beautiful cities, castles and faraway landscapes too! They give me energy, inspiration and motivation. Traveling makes my heart free and I enjoy music festivals in summer so much!

    That’s enough about me now but here are some quotes to give you motivation at this very moment of your life. Thanks for reading and visiting my site!

    My favourite quotes /all written by me/ are:

    “Be good, be kind, be strong, be confident!”

    “Be your true, special, unique self! Nothing in the world can be as freeing and as powerful, as rocking all the awesomeness that you, only you have in the whole entire world!”

    “Look in the mirror, smile at your reflection, wave hello and remind yourself of how incredible you truly are! Love yourself and use your confidence to make the world a better place in a way how only YOU can do it!”

    “Make magic everywhere, fight the storms and chase rainbows!”

    “Be yourself and shine like sunshine!”

    (All quotes are mine, all rights reserved!)

    Thanks for reading! Hope you will come back and visit my site again soon! You can find my latest posts above or by opening the menu!

    Sending you lots of love, light, health and happiness!

    For regular updates, follow me on my social media pages: instagram, twitter, tiktok and facebook! Links below and in the menu!